This natural facial serum has so many wonderful healing properties. Hemp oil can prevent dry skin without clogging pores, it can even help to balance out oily skin, hydrating it and regulating the skin’s oil production, it also has anti aging properties. Jojoba oil contains natural forms of Vitamin E, this vitamin works with your skin as an antioxidant. If you have inflammatory skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema jojoba oil is especially beneficial. Peach Kernel Oil helps to slow down aging process and also maintains the skin’s elasticity due to the presence of polyunsaturated fatty acids that are related to skin health. Peach kernel oil has soothing and emollient properties. It is beneficial if you have sensitive, dry and flaky skin. Lastly, not only does rosemary oil smell delicious it has amazing anti-inflammatory properties, the rosemary bush belongs to the mint family and also has numerous benefits for the facial skin. For example, according to the Organic Facts, if you suffer from dry skin on the face, massaging a few drops of rosemary oil can help alleviate the dry skin. In addition, rosemary oil can help wake up tired or mature skin and help it appear healthier and younger looking. It also helps to improve circulation and has mild antiseptic properties that can help to kill bacteria.
Hemp Facial Serum
Store Store in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight.